Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A long time...

Quite some time has passed since I last updated this. We have since moved and settled into our home. A blessing to be sure! I am getting ready for my first school year homeschooling two children. And I have re-entered the joyous and candy filled world of potty-training. Today was probably one of the funniest experiences with the potty(outside of the time Isaac wanted to see his go fish cards swim in the toilet). I was trying to get Naomi to go potty before nap time and knew she had to go based on the amount of fluids she had taken in. In the process I learned she also had to go #2 well let me tell you the screaming that ensued you would have thought she lost a limb. I stepped out of the bathroom and that is when she let out the scream" MOMMY- I went poo-poo!!!!!!!" I have never in three rounds of potty training had a child afraid of this but then again Naomi is not like the others! On to another round on the potty. :)

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Amy, How funny!!! Hannah was afraid as well, but then again, she is afraid of everything the first few times! Hannah starts Pre-School in September and while she is away three days out of the week I am going to attempt to potty train my 2 1/2 son, fun stuff! It is my goal that he is completely independent by January so that he doesn't regress once the baby is born in March! Wish me luck!