Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Clarity and a Little Re-cap

It is abundantly clear for me that the Project 365 that I set out to do will not be completed at this time. now is not the season of life for such an endeavor. My hands are far to busy with the labor of love that is my family. Here is a little re-cap of some of our summer.

Five year old cousins be crazy.

They were blowing up each others toes with air so they could be fat.

Nothing like a little spontaneity with 15 kids.

My sis-in-law decided to drive an hour to see a friend

at a nearby science museum and I drove across the state.
All planned the morning of this picture! It was a blast and a
memory we will not soon forget.

Our blessings from the Lord.

Daddy helping them build their own clock. This is
the final project for them learning to tell time last school year.

VBS program. Rae is front row center.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We interrupt this blog series for a little thing we call...

Swim lessons for Rae and Naomi and their friends.

Naomi got brave and tried the rock climbing wall at the AWANA Retreat.

Josh and Rae waiting their turn for the cars at the retreat.

Rae and Mommy criusing along in our car.

Last night of AWANA for the year. This was Zanna's last night as a Sparkie and Naomi's last night as a Cubbie. We no longer have any child in Cubbies!

A little blurry but this is the Cubbies group singing their song.

Our final field trip for the school year.

We got to have a full tour of a fire station, including the fire truck and the ambulance.


May was busy and had several unexpected events occur. Thus I was unable to keep up with the Project 365. I am going to give a brief pictorial display of some of what May involved then I will pick up the Project starting on June 1.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 14

Just 'hanging' at the park.

Day 13

Dinner with friends.

Day 12

Day 11

If you look really close you will see the black under her left eye. She walked right into a doorknob and as a result received her first "shiner".

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 7

Rachel loves to take pictures. This is an example of her latest photo expedition. A series of a dozen pictures of her silly bands.

Day 6

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 4

Rae's handiwork, both the display and the photography.

Day 5

Easter egg hunt in Tequesta.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 3

A little taste of our everday lives. All 4 kids hard at work at the "school table".

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 1

A typical day: Starbucks in hand; Head phones to drown out the noise (when you work at home with four kids that are home schooled sometimes you gotta go drastic); And company badge, just in case we forget who he works for!

Project 365

After taking more than a year hiatus from this blogging thing I have decided to pick it back up with commitment! I have seen several friends do this Project 365 and am going to take on this project myself. I will post a picture everyday for a full year! Sometimes i will add caption and sometimes I will not, because there are times when no words will really do.

Salakin's Crazy Jokes by Naomi

Salakin says, "It's crazy hair day. My nose is going wild on the beach today." Then her sister says, " Wow, it is a crazy hair day. I cant believe it" What is my life going to be taking about? My lantern always is like a nightlight like money goes crazy. Then Alli, her other sister, says, "Wow I dont know if it is going to be green day or orange day?" Then Bonela says, "This is such a crazy imaginating day." Then she is like money is drawing it's own head. Kinlan said, "What in the world. Eggs hatched liek a person hatches. A bunny pick up it's own eggs a wagon head. The End